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Letterman Digital Arts Center

Maxence, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
San Francisco’s Yoda Fountain is a must-visit for Star Wars fans and film buffs! Located at Lucasfilm’s Letterman Digital Arts Center in the Presidio, this bronze tribute to the wise Jedi Master stands atop a peaceful fountain, welcoming visitors to the legendary home of Industrial Light & Magic. Snap a photo, explore the Lucasfilm lobby,...
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CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED Emmet Connolly. Yoda Fountain At the entrance to Lucas Arts and Industrial Light and Magic in the Presidio in San Francisco.
Lucasfilm Studios in the Presidio is a must-visit destination for movie lovers and Star Wars fans alike. Home to the Yoda Fountain, Industrial Light & Magic, and incredible Star Wars memorabilia in the Lucasfilm lobby, this creative hub blends cinematic history with cutting-edge technology. Located in the scenic Presidio of San Francisco, it’s the perfect...
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